Cleaning Tips from FlyLady

3 Great Condo Cleaning Tips from FlyLady

Kitchen cabinets, closets, floors, upholstery – there’s a lot to handle if you want your place to be in tip-top shape. Instead of sorting stacks of magazines, looking for the most efficient way to keep everything in order, try this innovative strategy we found on Pinterest – the FlyLady method you can apply when cleaning your condo.

We’ve heard condo owners from Chevy Chase MD had a quite positive experience with this strategy. Thus, we decided to follow it for a week, and these are 3 of the best tips we learned from this hot trend on social media.

1. Cleaning Should Not Be Rushed

Cleaning your dwelling place should not be a stressful process or at least you should not approach it with that mindset. Don’t try to rush things but break up your tasks so they are more manageable. For instance, do sessions of 15 minutes in the beginning. Then, add a couple of minutes each day.

This way, you won’t see cleaning your place as a routine but as a relaxing task. Not only you will keep your condo fresh and clean but you will be more motivated to do it.

2. Set Reminders

FlyLady suggests setting daily reminders. Skipping a day can mess up the whole strategy. So, set your alarm to those 15 minutes we mentioned for a couple of days, then add up 5 or 10 minutes. You will do the cleaning with ease, knowing the alarm will notify you as you are getting nearer to completing the task. Although this may seem strange at first, achieving small goals on a daily basis can affect your confidence in a positive way.

3. Divide Tasks by Groups

Sometimes, a routine can be a good thing. If you divide your cleaning tasks into groups/categories, you can be way more productive. If your kitchen needs some special care, don’t do anything besides cleaning the sink, faucets, cabinets, etc. Clean your bathroom the next day.

Or, you can clean all the faucets – in your kitchen, bathroom, and garage today and then, do the kitchen and bathroom cabinets tomorrow. You can tailor-make these categories to your preference.

What’s The Moral of the Story?

When you have a cleaning strategy, you can yield noticeable results as you go. Do you know how many things you can do in 15 minutes? Clean your bathroom regularly and it won’t take more than 15 minutes to wipe off dust, clean the tub, and the mirrors.

Yet, it takes time to “train” yourself. In the beginning, you will be a bit lazy and disorganized. But, with time, you will not learn patience only but will tackle those tasks with ease in less time.


Cleaning your condo should not be a burden but a part of your household duties you perform without much hassle. We’ve broken down some of the tips of the mentioned method but you can make it even more practical and adapt it to your schedule. Still, if you would like a professional to do Condo Cleaning Chevy Chase MD for you, it’s totally fine as well!

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