Steamy Summer Cleaning Tips

This summer, your home will become a place for neighborhood gatherings, school vacation chilling, barbeques and casual evenings on the patio watching fireflies. You can free up your time for fun activities like these by scheduling regular house cleaning services–through Lilly’s! Create space in your calendar for time with your kids and lunch with friends. When you aren’t doing your own housecleaning, your time is your own—for fun and family. Then, take advantage of your “summer helpers” and get the whole family in on the home cleaning game. Of course, your kids probably won’t be on board with becoming your maid service, but here are some hacks for incorporating cleaning and decluttering in everyday summer life.

* Plan a garage sale. Use the summer months to minimize clutter and make it easier to keep things clean. Challenge each family member to fill a box with items for the sale—the person with the most discarded items wins. Declutter and make a few bucks, too.

* Tis the season: Play outside. This cuts down on inside toy clutter and dirt. Plus it gives you and the kids a healthy dose of vitamin D and fresh air.

* Speaking of fresh air, bring the outside in! Air it out, open windows and screen doors and let in a fresh, clean breeze.

* Start by keeping dirt out. Keep your Lilly’s clean longer—make it a summer policy to take off shoes upon entering the house.

* Here’s an easy way to enlist the kids—store pop-up cleaning wipes in the bathrooms and give the kids free rein to use them. Say goodbye to toothpaste in the sink and tub rings!

Start with a clean slate by calling Lilly’s for cleaning services first thing this summer, then regularly throughout the season. Then have some fun with these ideas and all your newly discovered free time!